To eat or not to eat.

Let's start at a high-level, because we don't eliminate any food group. Let's look at what benefits dairy has to offer us.
Nonfat and low fat dairy options are often a convenient way to add protein into your daily diet.
Dairy sources can add variety to your meals through sauces, garnishes for a salad, texture, etc.
Dairy foods are often great sources of calcium and vitamin D.
Okay, and now why do people restrict or avoid Dairy?
First and foremost, there are a handful of components that can be hard to digest or create allergic reactions: Lactose, Whey and Casein (the sugar and the protein elements). If you are lactose intolerant, there are plenty of lactose-free fortified versions of dairy foods now. Otherwise, it seems sensible to avoid foods that create an upset tummy.
Dairy can be inflammatory, like a lot of healthy food options, so be mindful of portions and when you partake. If you are prepping for a big event, it might be smart to pull it out to avoid any added effects- like a competition, presentation, travel/large trips, etc. The CrossFit-Famous Mat Fraser even claimed that when the CrossFit Games were near, he pulled dairy out of his diet to eliminate as much risk as possible.
You are not prepping for the CrossFit Games, don't notice any reactions when you eat it, but are wondering- should I incorporate dairy into my daily routine? Here's a great place to start.
Look up my protein pancakes for a portable breakfast or snack. They are easily prepped and stored in advance and can help with meal prep efforts. They contain lowfat cottage cheese.
Low Fat and Nonfat Greek Yogurt is an awesome choice for protein as a snack with fruit, as part of a protein shake, or eaten with granola and Eggs for breakfast. I also love a dallop of plain Greek yogurt on a taco bowl as a substitute for sour cream.
Garnish a dinner salad with some grated Manchego cheese for a delicious way to spice up something that may seem to be getting boring- like the same old salad you eat every night.
What if you're someone who is avoiding a tall glass of milk, but still looking for ways to get your calcium from whole foods? Here are some great alternatives to add to your grocery cart- Broccoli, Kale, Dark leafy greens, Bok Choy, Tofu, Fortified Almond Milk, chia seeds, edamame, lentils, oranges, and figs.
Nutrition is always about setting your sights on your goal, and how to achieve that in a way that is sustainable and enjoyable for you, individually!